SAMUEL BECKFORD provides a range of trade related professional advice in the following areas:
- Evaluating whether proposed and existing national measures comply with WTO law and other trade agreements, for instance in the area of investments, services, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade and environmental and climate change law
- Representing and advising governments, trade associations and NGOs in WTO dispute settlement proceedings
- Advising clients on anti-dumping and other trade remedy cases
- Advising corporate clients on how they can enforce WTO law and other trade agreements
- Market access strategy
- WTO law concerning trade in goods and services
- WTO dispute settlement
- WTO anti-dumping and anti-subsidy law
- Customs law
- Export controls
- Trade related aspects of intellectual property rights
- Trade related aspects of environmental law/climate change
- The protection of international investments under bilateral and multilateral investment treaties
- Competition law and policy in regional trade agreements
- Multi-jurisdictional merger filings, defense of agency investigations in abuse of dominance claims, and anti-competitive agreements and other alleged anti-competitive practices; advice on exclusive distribution agreements
One of the most important services we provide, working in close cooperation with associated partners and firms in other jurisdictions is to monitor legislative proposals in various countries and advise clients on the effects of legislation under multilateral agreements, regional and bilateral agreements. In particular we advise on whether existing or proposed legislation is compliant with bilateral agreements, regional agreements and the WTO Agreement.