We provide advice on administrative competition tribunal proceedings ranging from issues involving merger notification and filings, merger review, anti-competitive agreements, and investigations relating to abuse of dominance. These proceedings often involve a wide range of matters turning on complex issues of competition policy and economics, including market definition, assessment of market power and related competition concerns, and the application of legal policies driven by economic analysis to such issues. Many of these matters entail extensive work with economists, both as expert witnesses, and as advisors helping to shape strategies in light of relevant economic principles.
We analyze the entire range of economic issues that arise in antitrust cases, including market definition, market dynamics, entry conditions, pricing, single firm conduct, agreements, and profitability. Our experts assess legal and economic merits of allegations of anticompetitive mergers and acquisitions, foreclosure and exclusionary conduct (e.g., tying, bundling, and refusals to deal), horizontal and vertical restraints, monopolization and abuse of dominant position, and collusion.