Safeguard measures in the form of quantitative restrictions or other restrictive measures may be authorized in accordance with Article XIX of the GATT 1994 where a product is imported into a country in such increased quantities and/or on such terms or conditions as to cause, or threaten to cause, serious injury to domestic producers. The duration of the safeguard measures must be limited to the period of time necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and to facilitate adjustment on the part of the domestic industry.
If the duration of a safeguard measure exceeds one year, the measure must be progressively liberalized at regular intervals throughout the period of its application. Safeguard measures are normally imposed for a period of four years, but can be extended following an additional investigation undertaken by investigating authorities. If extended, the measures may not be more restrictive than the original measures, and may not exceed an additional period of four years.
We provide advice and assistance which includes completion of questionnaire responses, drafting of injury submissions, preparation of and attendance at on-the-spot verifications by investigating authority officials, representation of clients at hearings before investigating authority officials.